Discover the Delight of Matcha: Must-Try Convenience Store Sweets for Visitors to Japan!


Hello there! May and June are the perfect seasons to enjoy the deliciousness of matcha in Japan. Convenience stores are brimming with limited-time matcha sweets, and I’ve handpicked five from Japan’s top three convenience store chains: LAWSON, FamilyMart, and 7-Eleven! With convenience at the forefront, these treats are easily accessible across Japan. Indulge in authentic matcha sweets without breaking the bank. Happy snacking!

1 【LAWSON】Omatcha Cookie Choux

The perfect match of slightly bitter matcha chocolate topping on crispy choux pastry, paired with a generous filling of smooth matcha cream. The balance of sweetness and bitterness is unparalleled. With the choux pastry packed full of matcha cream, it’s a highly satisfying recommended sweet treat.抹茶と練乳クリームのケーキ

お抹茶クッキーシュー(Omatcha Cookie Choux) 235yen

2【7-Eleven】Koi-Uji Matcha Nama Dorayaki

Introducing the “Intense Uji Matcha Fresh Dorayaki”! This is a dorayaki, a traditional Japanese confection, with a twist of matcha flavor. The rich matcha cream combined with the sweetness of red bean paste creates an irresistible treat! It’s a delightful taste of Japan waiting for you to enjoy.

濃い宇治抹茶生どらやき(Koi-Uji Matcha Nama Dorayaki) 213円

3【FamilyMart】Koi Matcha no Financier

Next up is the rich matcha financier. It’s all about the intense matcha flavor! You’ll savor the bittersweetness and aroma of matcha in this exquisite treat. Highly recommended for those who want to experience the authentic bitterness of matcha. Plus, it’s convenient to enjoy on the go without the need for utensils like spoons or forks.

濃い抹茶のフィナンシェ(Koi Matcha no Financier) 180円

4【7-Eleven】Matcha to Rennyucream no Cake

A cake featuring the delightful combination of matcha and condensed milk cream, maintaining the distinct matcha flavor while being sweet and easy to enjoy. With its moist texture and rich cream, it offers a satisfying taste experience. The moment you take a bite, the matcha flavor fills your mouth with a delightful sensation. A popular choice among Japanese consumers.

抹茶と練乳クリームのケーキ(Matcha to Rennyucream no Cake) 159円

5【LAWSON】Omatcha Éclair

The beloved éclair, adored worldwide, is soon to feature an authentic matcha flavor! Starting May 21, 2024, it will be available at LAWSON stores in Japan. Can’t wait to indulge in the densely packed matcha cream, right? And since it’s convenient to enjoy on the go, it’s perfect for a little break during your sightseeing in Japan.

お抹茶エクレア(Omatcha Éclair ) 200円

Enjoy Matcha Sweets Easily!

I’ve introduced five particularly recommended matcha sweets. Convenience store sweets offer the advantage of enjoying authentic treats at a reasonable price. Be sure to try some during your stay in Japan! Besides these, there are plenty of other matcha sweets available, so be sure to check out the sweets section at convenience stores too:)

